Self Improvement

How to Improve Productivity One Piece of Paper at a Time

How to Improve Productivity One Piece of Paper at a Time

What to do when clutter invades your mind.

Oh, my gosh! I just can’t get it together today. I need to work, but my mind keeps going everywhere but on my writing. The laundry needs to be done, the dog needs out, my coffee cup is cold. So many mindless things taking up residence in what few brain cells I have left. I just can’t seem to get anything accomplished.

Does this sound familiar?

This is me, overwhelmed and feeling like such a waste of myself and my time. 

While I was sitting here darting from task to task and not really getting ahead on anything, a thought came to my mind. What I really need is to just get something done.

If you are anything like me, when life is getting out of hand, so is your workspace. I have been much busier than normal lately on external obligations, and my desk is showing neglect.

Unread mail mixed with loose paper notes sits in one corner. Papers I need to file are mixed with menus and folders, all laying on my side table. Sticky notes are all over my desk with no order or direction. I even have a bottle of wood glue sitting out from where I fixed one of my drawers last month. Books and pens are strewn about. Half of the pens do not even work. I could go on, but I think you get the picture.

I am trying to be productive in a world full of chaos.

I decide to walk away from the mess for a few minutes. I do the dishes and come back feeling a small sense of productivity that was missing when I left. My resolve was returning.

I grab a trash bag and jump right into cleaning my workspace. I put books back on the bookshelf, sort the mail and throw out all the junk. I file paperwork and organize my folders. Now to get rid of all the pens that do not work and put the ones that work back in my pen holder. Make a note: “buy new pens.”

Post-it note saying "buy new pens"

My focus now turns to the brightly colored array of post-it notes on my desk, complete with the one just written. Admittedly, some will stay on the desk as they are daily reminders like, “buy new pens.” Others I copy into my planner or my resource book. This is a small notebook I use for random notes I am not ready to get rid of but do not really have a proper home. This way I always have one place to put anything random, and I only have one slightly cluttered place to look.

Time to break out the dusting spray and clean all the surfaces. For the pièce de résistance, I plug in my scent warmer, adjust my chair and sit back to appreciate the efforts of my labor.

Well almost, staring back at me from the floor is the large bag of trash I incurred. On my way back from taking the garbage out, I grab a fresh cup of coffee, sit down a second time, at my now organized and clean desk, and get to work.

image of organized and tidy desk and office
Declutter the space-declutter the mind

By focusing on this one task, I organized my workspace, and this gave me a much-needed sense of accomplishment. This little boost of dopamine was just what I needed. I not only cleared the clutter of my desk, but I could also declutter my mind. All those nagging thoughts disappeared. My head was back in the game and ready to get to work.

Life is full of clutter. Sometimes we just need to throw some of it away and organize what remains and start fresh. It may surprise you where it will lead.


  1. I know for me it always feels better when I declutter. It’s so easy for papers to become piles and then it becomes very overwhelming. I like the part where you said, “life is full of clutter.” Sometimes we don’t think about other things in our lives that are considered “clutter.”

    1. Candy, thank you for your comment. I believe clutter comes in many forms and easily gets out of control. I hope this helps you a little in your day.

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